Volume 17 Issue 4
Nov.  2024
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V. Koutitonsky, J.A. Zyserman, B. Zourarah, A. Orbi, K. El Khalidi, A. Benali. 2024: Tidal asymmetry and mud transport in Oualidia Lagoon: Actual conditions in 2012 and rehabilitation scenarios. Water Science and Engineering, 17(4): 344-351. doi: 10.1016/j.wse.2024.01.002
Citation: V. Koutitonsky, J.A. Zyserman, B. Zourarah, A. Orbi, K. El Khalidi, A. Benali. 2024: Tidal asymmetry and mud transport in Oualidia Lagoon: Actual conditions in 2012 and rehabilitation scenarios. Water Science and Engineering, 17(4): 344-351. doi: 10.1016/j.wse.2024.01.002

Tidal asymmetry and mud transport in Oualidia Lagoon: Actual conditions in 2012 and rehabilitation scenarios

doi: 10.1016/j.wse.2024.01.002

This work was supported by the Funding from the Ministry of Equipment and Transport,Kingdom of Morocco.

  • Available Online: 2024-11-30
  • Oyster aquaculture in Oualidia Lagoon, Morocco, has suffered from poor water quality and water confinement in its upstream region. Tidal asymmetry (TA) has been suggested as a possible cause, and a sediment trap was dredged in 2011 to mitigate this condition. This study addresses TA in the lagoon using field measurements and numerical modeling in the presence of the sediment trap. Results indicate that the lagoon is flood-dominated mostly in its upstream end, where frictional forces exceed inertia accelerations during the tidal cycle and fine sediments settle on the tidal flats and inside the sediment trap. However, this study shows that a large mass of suspended sediments is exported to the ocean, which is contrary to expectations in flood-dominated lagoons. Defining the sediment trap as the rehabilitation scenario S1, the impacts of three additional scenarios on TA are examined. These are scenario S2 (dredging the upstream section of the main channel), scenario S3 (dredging the channels surrounding the flood delta near the inlets), and scenario S4 (raising the ocean level by 0.5 m following climate change predictions). Results show that none of these scenarios modify the tidal flood dominance in the lagoon, although scenarios S2 and S4 decrease its intensity in the upstream region. Nevertheless, all scenarios still contribute to a significant export of sediments to the ocean. This suggests that lagoon management activities should not rely on tidal asymmetry analyses that normally predict upstream sediment transport in flood-dominated lagoons.


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    通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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