Citation: | Xi Feng, Zheng Li, Hui Feng, Jia-yan Yang, Shou-peng Xie, Wei-bing Feng. 2024: Contributors to tidal duration asymmetry with varied coastline configurations on western shelf of Yellow Sea. Water Science and Engineering, 17(1): 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.wse.2023.09.006 |
Coastal management in China is confronted with an urgent choice between natural restoration and maintenance of existing seawalls and reclaimed land for economic development. A key criterion for making this decision is the resilience to coastal flooding, which depends on the ability to predict tidal level. Tidal duration asymmetry (TDA) is a key parameter in determination of the arrival and duration of flood tides. This study selected the western inner shelf of the Yellow Sea (WYS) as the study area and investigated the responses of TDA to different shoreline configurations and relative sea level rise. The responses of TDA to shoreline reconstruction yielded spatial variability locally and remotely. In the nearshore area, the responses of TDA to the complex ocean environment mainly originated from the combined functions of reflection, bottom friction, and advection, which controlled the energy transfer from M2 or S2 constituents to their overtides or compound tides. The sensitivity of TDA to coastline typologies was not limited to coastal waters but could stretch over the entire inner shelf. The vulnerability of tidal responses was due to the displacement of the M2 amphidrome of the Kelvin wave on the WYS, which in turn changed tidal energy fluxes over the regime. The relative sea level rise could intensify the feedback of TDA to seawalls and land reclamation.
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